May is here! St. Mary’s College of Maryland College, St. Mary’s Ryken high, and St. Michael’s school will soon hold graduate. Our first summer helper has arrived, and more are on their way. We’re especially excited about the arrival of our summer seminarian, Colin, on Saturday, May 1th.
Looking through old photos from past parish events, I was struck by how much younger I looked. Altar boys who once couldn’t see over the altar now tower over me, and many treasured members of our community are now at home with the Lord.
As life speeds along, I sometimes feel I can’t keep up. Our Lord provided the books of Nature and of God’s Word to help us in these times. The book of Nature reminds us to appreciate God’s creation. We need to make time to sit outside or take a stroll. In creation, God ministers to us and enables us to thirst upon His love and goodness.
The book of God’s Word helps me slow down and center myself in God. Though the world changes and the storms of this life rage, He is “my rock and my salvation, whom shall I fear”. The more we abide in him, the more we can appreciate each day, both dark and light. With Jesus, we are never frail, as the “joy of the Lord is my strength”. Allow Our Lord into your heart through these two books. If you give Our Lord the chance, you’ll find deep peace in every moment with Him.
God bless and keep you always!
Fr. Scott Woods