Christmas is Cancelled! That was the headline we woke up to a few days ago. The Prime Minister of Great Britain announced further lock downs during the Christmas and New Year’s Holidays to prevent a new COVID strain from spreading. Once again, the media got it wrong! No one has the power to cancel Christmas! Not the prime minister, not the Queen, not the President, and not even the Pope.
Christmas celebrates an event that has already happened, has permanently changed the world, and affects eternity. Its celebration will take place with or without a congregation in every church and monastery where a priest lives and is able to celebrate Mass. After all, the word “Christmas” is really made up of two words: “Christ” + “Mass.”
The words were put together over time, changing as the English language has changed over the centuries. Yet, the core of the celebration, the Holy Sacrifice of the mass, has not changed and never will. Christ comes to us, the same Christ in Sacramental form at every Mass, even when we sadly cannot be there due to the COVID pandemic, sickness, or work
Because of COVID-19, sickness, or work, we can unite our prayers to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said at all the altars all over the world and God’s abundant grace is given to US in every home, hospital, or nursing home room. We can do this as individuals, families, and friends, and the Christ Child is indeed made present to us and we to Him. Yes, family and friends may not be able to gather as they usually do, yet now we are given an opportunity to really keep the coming of the Christ Child at the center of our Christmas and our lives as well as those of our family members.
The Greatest Gift ever given or that could be given to us by God Almighty is coming for US. Let us rejoice! Christmas has arrived and “Christ Mass” is being offered for us all on every altar in every Catholic parish and monastery in the world! Nothing and no one can cancel it, reduce it, or prevent the graces offered to us because of it. All we can do is ignore it or embrace it.
Let us rejoice in what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do this Christmas season.
Your brother and father in Christ,
Fr. Scott