Advice on Making better confessions:
Last week we spoke about examining your conscience. This week in light of the Gospel I would like to give some advice on how to make better confessions….
Notice in the Gospel the man being healed by Jesus is plagued with a speech impediment.
It says in the Gospel:
“And people brought to him a deaf man who had a speech impediment…”
The catechism of the Catholic Church says:
“The confession (or disclosure) of sins, even from simply a human point of view, free us and facilitates our reconcilation with others. Through such an admission man looks squarely at the sins he is guilty of, takes responsibility for them, and therefore opens himself up to God.”
Jesus says, this weekend: “Ephphatha”..”Be opened”. St. Josemaria Escriva gives great advice on not to have a speech impediment when we go to confession and open ourselves to his healing graces He writes:
Concrete Confession – without generalities- straight forward. The penitent declares or indicates his-her situation, the time of his last confession, the difficulties to live a Christian life. We say ours sins and the circumstances of our faults not to be excused. We accuse ourselves so the Confessor may judge, absolve and cure.
Clear Confession – with clarity- transparency in order to be understood, declaring the precise faults. Recognizing our sins and misery with modesty and gentleness is much needed.
Complete Confession – with integrity. Without shame or holding some sins back because we do not want to look bad before the priest.
Every time we go to confession, we review that it is: Concise, Concrete, Clear and Complete.
If we do so, we will be free like this this deaf and dumb man….!
In Christ,
Fr. Larry (Reminder: There are now confessions at S. Peter Claver every Wednesday from 4-6pm!)